Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Angelina Jolie is SO lucky!

I wish I was Agelina Jolie sometimes. Not because she is married to Brad Pitt - I don't like his movies. She got to go pick out a son and pick him up. No wait for her. Why? Because she is a movie star? Because she is rich? Because she has babies from all over? I wish I knew, because I would do it too. I just wait and work. Does anyone know where she went to pick out her boy Pax? I heard in the break room that Pax is Latino for Peace. I wonder what Madox means? Angry Cow maybe? I don't know. I try to be happy for her. It is hard to be really happy.


Anonymous said...

Ok, now this is a good direction to focus on. As a China adopter I can tell you that anyone who isn't extremely upset about the wait and really negative and down and depressed is really hated by the adoption community.
So, your pessimisim about the wait can make you fit in and have friends! Be angry! Complain! Whine! You will have supporters out the wazoo before you know what hit you, you lucky bird! Add your already rampant religiousity to that and you're guanrenteed to be labelled a model adopter by all of America!

Our China Mocking Bird said...

I don't care if our baby mockingbird is a model. Is she want to be a model and that is fine with us. But she will live with us in America.

Anonymous said...

Not even if she's a model airplane? and a model Chinese airplane?