Thursday, March 8, 2007


I might not feel as good as when I am not sick. But SOMEBODY sent me this SICK picture of ladybugs having sex! Or so they say!!! I don't think they are lesbianic ladybugs. I mean they are LADYBUGS!!! Ladies!!! Not gay lesbian bugs. I am going to post the picture because I would NOT believe it unless I got it in my mail. Now I have a gallon of ladybugs that I am scared to unleash if they are really lesbian bugs. OMG!!! Help what should I do????


Anonymous said...

I hope you're trying to be funny. All ladybugs are not females. There are both boy and girl ladybugs. You've got a picture of a boy and a girl ladybug reproducing. Now let your poor ladybugs free so they can go reproduce and eat the bad bugs out there.

Anonymous said...

You blog is getting dumber and dumber. Come up with something more original. It's really not funny anymore.

Anonymous said...

MB there are both male and female ladybugs. It's OK. Let them free. I still think it's sick to have ladybug pornography sent to you of all people. Blessings hon.

Anonymous said...

wait too much time...

if you think the mockingbird's website is dumb why do you come back? I think YOU have too much time on your hands.

Mockingbird, please let the ladybugs free so China will send me my baby sooner... that and prayer will make things speed up.

Anonymous said...

What's a "Meanie" like WayTooMuchTime doing here anyway? I'll pray for her. I'll also pray for that sick depraved person who sent you those pictures.

Anonymous said...

The picture is gone :(

Anonymous said...

Wait....does this mean that lesbians are helping us get our babies from China? I am so confused by this shocking news and have to pray on it now.

Our China Mocking Bird said...

No I guess there are men lady bugs and women lady bugs. I didn't know. But the people that had the gross picture didn't like that I useded it. So they took it back. It is ok cause it was gross. I don't like to see bugs having sex.

Anonymous said...

I hate to see ladybug porn - gay or straight. I just burned all my husband's porn. I don't know if I can visit this site anymore with this stuff. You used to be so inspirational.