Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Joy Fruit

Even though some commentator can't be nice I am still going to continue with making sentences with words from the letter like Gary Busey. Today's Fruit is JOY.

J - Jesus
O - Over
Y - Yoda

Too many people I know and I see every day at work that think Yoda is more powerful that Jesus... He is NOT. The force is a bunch of hooey. Another fruit tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Judge me by my size will you?
Deity I am.
Powerful I am.
Can make a rock so big that I myself cannot lift it I can.
Judge Yoda not yet ye be judged I say,
but always with you "it cannot be done."
Bird of mockery you are.
Puppet of mystery I am.

Joy said...

Satan is synonomous with Star Wars. The same with the Star Trek re-runs.
I do believe that Capt. Kirk is Satan in human form.
For that reason I will not use Priceline, either. That man makes my hair stand on end.

Anonymous said...

no no joy, kirk's from the dumb side, not the dark side. there's a difference.
while the dark side is alligned with satan & hell,
the dumb side is alligned with scientology and crawford, texas.

Anonymous said...

Do you understand what "fiction" is? Satan did not create fiction, humans did. And Jesus used parables, stories!, to teach people lessons, so fiction can't be wrong.

So leave Star Wars, Star Trek, and Cpt. Kirk alone. Or figure out a better reason for your dislike.