Monday, February 5, 2007

Oh Madonna REALLY!!!!

I just read something that got me SO mad!!!! Madonna says she won't cut her little African baby's hair until he is 3 year old! 3????? I mean come on! His poor hair will be terrible. Do you think the other kids in school if he even GOES to school will tease him? I do!! I had long hair that my Nanna cut and kids made fun all the time. It's not that childs fault he was stolen! And now this. Oh come on Madonna REALLY!!!!!

I wish she would just give the baby back and go sing some good songs like a Christmas album or gospel music instead of her filth. I read People sometimes in the check out lines. She is not living up to her name!!!


Anonymous said...

You are seriously DERANGED!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Now don't you be going around telling people how I cut your hair, missy! When the kids were making fun of you, it waren't nuthin to do with your hair, hear me girl?