Thursday, February 22, 2007

MY Best Find For The Easter Season!!!

OMG!!!! At work yesterday a girl came in with the GREATEST shirt I have ever seen!!! It said Hating Satan but it was a license plate that says H8N S8N - Hate'n Satan.. and I DO... You should too!

So everyone I know is going to get a shirt to wear all the time. I am so glad I worked the extra shift or else I might not have run into that girl. Thank you Lora and her mom Gert.

Hate is good when you is Hate'n Satan. ( H8N S8N ) - very good!!!!

The girl's mom said she got it for her at and I found it here:


Anonymous said...

I dont' know - I think t-shirts show off a lot of skin. Too much for modest ladies!

Anonymous said...

I agree....seems a little tight...

Anonymous said...

seitan is my motor,
that's why i run so good!

Jesus Is My Homeboy said...

Satan loves all shapes and sizes. Go ahead, show 'em your ta-tas.

faith said...

I don't mind a little arm skin showing, but I agree that the bust on this shirt looks a little tight for my liking.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but Seitan is always in our house! Don't know what I'd do without Seitan! If you really hate Seitan, perhaps you should try tofu or tempeh, but don't spoil it for the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

I just bought a shirt. They are so cool. I hate Satan too. Thanks MB!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Do they make 'em big enough for a busty gal like me? LOL!!!! Maybe some lil keychains and bumper stickers instead?