Monday, February 19, 2007

Winter's Sick Grip

The cold and flu season has struck me down like David did to Goliath. Fever and chills have kept me out of work and even home from church services. I am going back to sleep after some hot tea and toast.


Jesus Is My Homeboy said...

Shouldn't this picture be used under the cats & dogs post? "Look, Fido, I'm sacrificing you to the CCAA. If I can offer up enough carcases, I'll get my kid quicker. They're better wheeler and dealers than an Arab sheik. But, to ease your mind, I'm going after the Jones' Rotweiller next..." Hope this finds you in better spirits, MB.

Anonymous said...

You must enjoy self-pleasuring, since all of your happy posts are done by you, you weirdo!

Anonymous said...

Aww MB - I wouldve posted but I've been knocked down too. I'm praying for your recovery. He sometimes sends us colds as a way to remind us to "Slow Down" and worship Him.

Anonymous said...

I heard that snot was just sin leaving your body. Blow, MB, blow!

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:11 - thats' a riot!! Guess He knows what I've been upto lately because I am a snot stream too. LOL!!!

MB I hope your getting well.

Anonymous said...

OMG I love Davey and Goliath!!!!