Wednesday, January 31, 2007

DH Killeded My Computer!!!!!!!

My husband tired to install that new operation system on MY computer. MINE. Not HIS computer. He killed it. I lost all my receipies, my photos, email and everything. I have been without MY computer for days now. I finally went to our crawl space tofind the Windows 95 disks and put them on.

To top it off, it's been so cold in the USA hearland. People think I am smiling at them when I greet them at Wally World but really it my teeth chattering. How can I be nice when I am freezing???? HOW???

I need to go catch up on the boards. I feel like I have been gone so so so long. Why did he use MY computer to fart around with? - When I curse you KNOW I am mad now!!!! Windows 95 was just fine for me.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Learning So Much About at APC

I never seem to get there enough. They has so many posts on the yahoo group APC. But, I learned so much with every visit. There are people there who share all what they know about China, Chinese people and being a parent. Some times people are like they are here - NOT VERY NICE. WWJD? He turns the other cheek and so will I.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Tom Cruise?????

Did you see the news about Tom Cruise? Some scientist says Tom Cruise is the "Chosen One". I don't think so!!!!

OK, I do love Days of Thunder with the NASCAR racing!!! (WAR TONY STUART! - he's a bad boy) Tom Cruise is not a mesiah. That was Jesus. Not Tom Cruise. I mean really!!!

That's what I hate about scientist they think they know everything and can tell US who the next mesiah is or something. Go cure something and leave God alone. Christ would have never made that vampire movie.

Tom Cruise made a big mistake leaving Nicole Kidman. She was in Days of Thunder too - but she didn't race. She was a doctor.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Nursery Ryme Time

-Ladybug! Ladybug!
Fly away home.
Your house is on fire.
And your children are all gone.
All except one,
And that’s little Ann,
For she’s hiding under
The frying pan.

A look a red thread too!!!

I don't know why you would own a frying pan that a child could hide under? A wok might be big enough but a frying pan no way!!!
And, to all my freinds thank you for all your support during this test that I am being tested by. I can't describe how difficult it has been to smile and be nice to every one at work the past few day. I keep my pocket New Testiment in my smock. It helps too.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sad Day on the RQ

I got a call from a friend who told me I needed to go to the RQ because they were talking about my blog. MY BLOG!!!!! I couldn't wait to get home and look. But, the posts were so bad I could not read more than a couple.

I did not post all those comments on this site. I don't spend all day on-line. I created this blog because my other blog was hacked by hackers - see my original post here. My guess is those same hackers are commenting here. Some are very nice. Otheres are just mean. Some I just don't understand.

I saw that Asian family yesterday and greeted them when they came in. They were much nicer than the day they lost their girl. I told them we are adopting from China. They said "THANK YOU". So they understand.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Please Forgive

I know that I am still learning all I can about adoption. I'm not perfect, I am sorry if my posts offend. Since I know you all are going to be my new best friends the posts are helping me express my feelings since my husband won't even listen to me when I talk about our adoption. I've had some wonderful friends who have been very supportive. And, some very mean people here who have just told me I was stupid, racist, and make up. I don't even wear ruse!!!! BTW - if you adore Mary Kay products let me know.

My posts are from my heart and some times I feel like I am speaking in tongues because I get that feeling taking over me when I type. I know I am not racist I love all Christian people and all those who need to be.

Forgive the people who don't accept my calling by God to adopt. I have over 4 months of waiting done with God only knows how much longer to go.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Met A Chinese FAMILY (Parents too!)

I just had to post this before services today. Yesterday at work the cutest little Chinese girl got seperated from her parents. She was so adorable except that she was crying. Since my job as the greeter has me right next to the customer service I went over to help. I asked her if she adopted but she didn't answer because I think she didn't know any english. Well, in a few seconds her parents came running up to get her. They were Chinese too! I had totally forgetten that they could adopt as well. I asked if they adopted her from China. They must have been so freaked out by almost losing their baby that they didn't answer. If helping these folks get their daughter feels so good I can't wait for my own gotcha day!!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A Big Decision for US!!

It's been so long since we posted. We've been talking and talking and talking about when to get our doll baby baptised. We know she wont be baptised when get her over in China. And we don't want to risk flying all the way back here to the USA (America's the best!). So we've decided to have her baptised when were over in China!!! We can't wait. Dress her all up in white and show her new clean soul off.

We want to do a traditional in the river baptism - like Christ did in the river Jordan. I think there is a big yellow river in China. Maybe we could just do it there. We don't want to do it in Hong Kong because it used to be owned by the British and we seperated from them back in the 1700's - remember 1776? So if anyone knows a good traditional baptism place with Christian running it, please let us know. In a pinch we could just do it at the Red Swan's pool. But we would rather one in a river.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

More Bad News

I couldn't even post this news until now. I spent most the last day and night in prayer. The news we got just made me question everything I have ever learned. It turns out with our LID (Log In Date) is 9/16/2006 we did not get passed over with the last batch of referrals. Our wait will be a little longer according to the agency. Now, they say they don't know when. But the good news is the extra money we paid them will be used to help speed things up even more.

Why did this happen? I don't know. I was so angry about it I questioned whether we even should adopt from China. Maybe it's God's way of telling us that adopting from a Godless people isn't in his plan. Maybe maybe could be could be. I cried myself to sleep. But now I KNOW it is what we are called to do. In today's mail there was the nicest note from a friend who heard about us adopting. They were so thankful we were here to save a soul that needed saving. She even gave us some money to help us. Thank you to my special friend - you know who you are. God's Blessings to Everyone. Even the people who have hate for us not willing to bow to preasure and not express ourselves. I'll pray for your understanding and love.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Some People Part Two

OK, I'm not perfect. Not even on my best day. But, I don't like other people sometimes but I usually just pray for them either to get right or suffer God's wrath. Now it seems people on the RQ site think it's ok to put filthy posts about people they don't like. A lot of people don't like Paul Zhan - but do we swear at her on the RQ (my hero BTW - By The Way). It got me so angry I posted before I prayed I hope it doesn't make it. Maybe God will lose it for me. If not I just want to say sorry to the potty mouth on RQ. Freedom of speech is why we are increasing troops so think before you post.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Treasure of the Day (Today)

I was on my break as a "WallyWorld" greeter and was reading my bible. In Deuteronomy I found this passage that is really what we're all doing by adopting from China.

And the little ones that you said would be taken captive, your children who do not yet know good from bad—they will enter the land. I will give it to them and they will take possession of it. Deuteronomy 1:39.

I mean read it again. We ARE taking kids that are captive in those SWI places and setting them free here! They don't know about God or anything so how could they know good from bad? It was my treasure for today! And I found 38 cents in the ladies break room too!!

Monday, January 8, 2007

Good for CNN

I had to work the late shift because the other greeter didn't show up to work. A double shift is nice for my paycheck but my feet are killing me. But, it's OK because tomorrow I get to sit at the door instead of stand.

I missed CNN and Paul Zhan - but RQ gave it a thumbs up so I am sure I don't need to read the transcript. If it's OK with RQ it's OK with MB (ha ha ha Mocking Bird). I just wish I knew this would have turned out so good because now I need to restock my Alka Seltzer.

I hope the people on the first know who they are messing with when it comes to adopting people from China.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Don't Watch CNN!!!

Did you see CNN's program on tv Friday? OMG!!!!! They had people on the show talking about adoption. I don't watch CNN (Fox News is best!) but I read that it was horrible. Every one of us need to stop buying all the stuff they sell on CNN. Everything is now no good to me.

I all ready threw out all my Alka Seltzer and I promised I will never buy it again. Promised!!! But now I found out that Alka Seltzer has ads on Fox News too. I don't know what to think. I mean I hate CNN but I don't want to hurt Fox News. I thought this would be so easy earlier today and now I realize that it won't be as easy as I hoped.

Since I did promise not to buy Alka Seltzer I won't. (Why did I post the promise out on RQ where everyone in the world could see????) Next time I am going to make sure I pray over things more than just the hour or so I did today so I can get better guidance.

A New Day (Today)

Well thanks for the comments everyone. It means so much to us. There are times when I forget it's not up to me or us or anyone besides the "Big Guy".... No not the President silly - God. But, I would let Pres. Bush handle our adoption. Being a man of faith he would surely do right by us.

I ask God everyday to watch over Pres. Bush. Make sure he takes his vitamins, gets lots of rest and doesn't take to heart all the hurtful and unkind things people say about him. It's been a rough second term because of all the balogna that the "press" makes up. I keep clear of most news other than Fox News and Meerkat Manor - they are so cute!!!

This is the last post from our old blogg that those hackers hacked into. WHY WHY WHY??? I keep asking myself but there is no good answer. I pray that they will be caught and punished - so no one ever has to rebuild a blogg again.

Not So Nice People In This World

OK, I started this to help me get through the wait till we get our Lord's blessing of a Chinese Girl from China. It's been OVER three months and still no word. What the heck??? Sorry, I don't usually swear like that. But sometimes ya just have to... ya know???

But, I have one post up and people have started "correcting" me. I don't need a lecture I need my gift from God! My agency said something more in Chinese to me - I tell them I no hablo Chinese but they don't understand Mexican. Maybe I will email them.

Sad News Finally Sunk In

Hi Fellow Adopters of God's Blessings -

We have a LID date of 9/16/06 and we just don't understand why we didn't receive our referral in this batch. I mean, really!!! Why is it I can order an Ipod AND have it engraved AND get it in just 4 days FROM China and this is taking SO long?

I mean we know we will have to travel there but we are doing all the touring stuff - just pick up our precious gift from the Lord that we've prayed almost non-stop since September (it's over 3 months now!)... but STILL. Come on!!! God would not have sent us on a hard journey!

Our agency told us this was just a hick-up so we payed extra to have our paperwork sped up. They "know" someone over at the CCAA. And two (2) people at our agency know Chinese because they answer the phone "Kneee How" - it's so cute!!! The first time I talked to them I hung up... I don't speak Chinese.

OK, so we will have to wait ONE more batch. That's not what we wanted but that's what God wants for us. Even though technically we should have been in THIS batch because it ended at 9/27 and our LID is 9/16. That's less than a week!

God must know better. Maybe he wants us to have warmer weather to travel to China with because God knows I don't like the cold.

Thanks for letting me vent!

Starting Over!!!!

Our original blog was hacked by some hackers. They posted some very inappropriate things that I will not go into here. Let's just say what that posted you would never find at any WalMart like they implied. I know, I am the early morning greeter - and I LOVE MY JOB!!!!

So, we are starting over again. I will see if I can get our old posts from the old blog that weren't hacked by those hackers - what's wrong with some people??? I mean REALLY!!!!!