Monday, January 8, 2007

Good for CNN

I had to work the late shift because the other greeter didn't show up to work. A double shift is nice for my paycheck but my feet are killing me. But, it's OK because tomorrow I get to sit at the door instead of stand.

I missed CNN and Paul Zhan - but RQ gave it a thumbs up so I am sure I don't need to read the transcript. If it's OK with RQ it's OK with MB (ha ha ha Mocking Bird). I just wish I knew this would have turned out so good because now I need to restock my Alka Seltzer.

I hope the people on the first know who they are messing with when it comes to adopting people from China.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad we can use Alka Seltzer again, 'cause woo-wee do I have some in-dee-gest-shun!