Saturday, January 6, 2007

A New Day (Today)

Well thanks for the comments everyone. It means so much to us. There are times when I forget it's not up to me or us or anyone besides the "Big Guy".... No not the President silly - God. But, I would let Pres. Bush handle our adoption. Being a man of faith he would surely do right by us.

I ask God everyday to watch over Pres. Bush. Make sure he takes his vitamins, gets lots of rest and doesn't take to heart all the hurtful and unkind things people say about him. It's been a rough second term because of all the balogna that the "press" makes up. I keep clear of most news other than Fox News and Meerkat Manor - they are so cute!!!

This is the last post from our old blogg that those hackers hacked into. WHY WHY WHY??? I keep asking myself but there is no good answer. I pray that they will be caught and punished - so no one ever has to rebuild a blogg again.


Anonymous said...

Praise Jesus! I was so worried when I read that something happened to your blog. You are in such a fragile state already. I am sending you some ladybug love hugs to help you through. Never forget our mighty Lord.. he will never let us down. It's just a minor set back. That which doesn't kill us, makes us stronger!

Joy said...

You are in our prayers daily; and I have called our churches prayer circle and added you as well.
Perhaps our President Bush could assist with the adoption, and get the wheels turning quicker for you?
We will ask for devine intervention on your behalf.

In His name,

Our China Mocking Bird said...

Thank you Joy for taking the time to comment here on our new blogg.

Our China Mocking Bird said...

Thank you Prayer for it means so much to have the support of friends we've never met. I just wish those hackers could see the light. I still prayed today that they are caught and punished.

Project Ni Hao said...

Thank God for Mr. President Bush! We are so much safer with him defending us from the Evil - Doers!

faith said...

Speaking of our blessed national leader, GW Bush, I just don't know what I am going to do tonight, watch him address the Nation at 9:00 or watch the special on China. With the left wing news media controlling public television, I'm thinking I will be better off watching our loyal Pres.

Bless you all,