Saturday, January 6, 2007

Don't Watch CNN!!!

Did you see CNN's program on tv Friday? OMG!!!!! They had people on the show talking about adoption. I don't watch CNN (Fox News is best!) but I read that it was horrible. Every one of us need to stop buying all the stuff they sell on CNN. Everything is now no good to me.

I all ready threw out all my Alka Seltzer and I promised I will never buy it again. Promised!!! But now I found out that Alka Seltzer has ads on Fox News too. I don't know what to think. I mean I hate CNN but I don't want to hurt Fox News. I thought this would be so easy earlier today and now I realize that it won't be as easy as I hoped.

Since I did promise not to buy Alka Seltzer I won't. (Why did I post the promise out on RQ where everyone in the world could see????) Next time I am going to make sure I pray over things more than just the hour or so I did today so I can get better guidance.


Anonymous said...

sadly there are advertisements on every channel with alka seltzer and the other products we need to boycott. We should stop watching tv anyway-it is all of the devil

Our China Mocking Bird said...

Charity - I am SORRY I do not think Meerkat Manor has anything to do with the Devil - and they are on tv (I watch it).

Anonymous said...

I disagree-watching any television inevitably supports the evil in this world. Paying for the cable that shows Meerkat Manor also supports shows such as Desperate Housewives etc.. which do nothing but further promote deadly sins such as -excuse my bluntness-sex and violence.
We should throw out our tv's and burn our trash books. I have already done this and am now liberated.
I will pray for your understanding!

Reborn said...

If you had JESUS in you, you wouldn't never need any of that Alka Seltzer.

Joy said...

All the news and information any good Christian needs can be found on TBS. Trinity Broadcast Network.
I even get my fashion tips from them; those are the best dressed most beautiful woman ever broadcasted.
Beautiful inside and out.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Joy, it's the only station worth watching and yes, they are beautifully dressed. Nice and modest.
Lucky for us we got a sattelite dish at a garage sale. It looks really nice in our front yard and when people ask about it, it gives me an awesome opportunity to Witness and lead others in the Right direction.
Plus, we don't support evil television programming, we get to watch TBS and our Sunday worship services without having filth in our home

Anonymous said...

you put down the CNN story yet have the phrase "China Doll" all over your blog!?!?!?!?!
I'd say you are talking out of both sides of your mouth.
Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

Wow, who is this person called "Anonymous?" Sounds like they need to give their anger issues up to the Lord. Only He can ease her pain. Here's our prayer line: 1-800-go-CHRIST

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous. "We are waiting to adopt our China doll".

Just racial prejudice, like the one you despise.

And this present entry is shamefully badly written.

That's why China issued these new rules; to prevent people like YOU to adopt their babies.

Magni Utgaard, Norway.

Project Ni Hao said...

Oh, such meanies! I'm gathering my ladybug dolls into another prayer circle. Deliver us from these wicked people!

Our China Mocking Bird said...

I didn't know that China Doll was offensive. It's what my Nanna said when we told her we were going to adopt. "Oh my your own little China Doll!" It was a term of endearment not prejudgice. As far as the new rules go we qualify for all them now and when they go into effect. So take you're Norway bias and don't post here no more!

Anonymous said...


You are right on. Labeling anyone based on their race is racism. This is a matter of fact.

Even if Nana said it, and she meant no harm, it's still racist.

Pointing this out is not evil or satanic. We all make mistakes if no one points them out... how will you know? It's when you don't make a change once it's pointed out that's the ignorance.

Christian and American - Adopting a daughter, not a doll.

Anonymous said...

Well, I did toss my Alka seltzer in protest, and now i am just ROTFL at myself. ;)

Anonymous said...

Doll-collector said...
Norway is right! If it was a doll, see, they could just mail her over (but they don't have that real good priority mail with the free boxes like here, so it would cost you some wampum), and she could sleep in one of them little Barbie cases until time for Sunday school. And probably you could bid for her on eBay, and maybe even get one signed by the creator, or even The Creator! Wow! And maybe if you pulled her hair and pushed her belly it would get her hair longer right before your eyes. Maybe she would even come with a pet Meerkat? and an ingraved Ipod too. She could be a bok choy patch doll.
And too, how come people name their doll-babies China and no one names there baby United States? I think it's a good name for a baby. It's discrimination. Right Norway? Look, there's even people named Norway! We must change this situation for the better.