Saturday, January 6, 2007

Not So Nice People In This World

OK, I started this to help me get through the wait till we get our Lord's blessing of a Chinese Girl from China. It's been OVER three months and still no word. What the heck??? Sorry, I don't usually swear like that. But sometimes ya just have to... ya know???

But, I have one post up and people have started "correcting" me. I don't need a lecture I need my gift from God! My agency said something more in Chinese to me - I tell them I no hablo Chinese but they don't understand Mexican. Maybe I will email them.


Anonymous said...

Were you quoted 3 months until referral from your agency? for an NSN or SN child??

Our China Mocking Bird said...

We asked for a Girl baby.

Anonymous said...

how many kinds they got there?
i know about the girl kinds, and i know NWT and NWOT, which is the kind we're getting 'cause it'll be second-hand, but what's those other two kinds?
your friend~
ebay p. aypal

Anonymous said...

You must be new to this anomyous. There are four types of kids available for adoption (as noted in the Adoption section of the China State Department home page):

NWT: Not Worthy Tykes. Well, these kids are, unfortunately, not very desired. Usually they are delinquents with criminal records, and they are 14 to 17 years in age.

NWOT: Not Worthy or Trustworthy. Well, these kids are even worse than NWTs. You can't trust 'em. If you're asleep, they'll even try to steal your dreams.

NSN: Nice, Sincere Newborn. The ideal baby to adopt. They change their own diapers and will order Moo Shoo Pork for you in their native tongue. Every parent's dream.

SN: Simply Neutral. Not much going on here. No opinion. No real value system. They are, as the acronym implies, simply neutral (pretty much like any USA kid, actually...)