Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sad Day on the RQ

I got a call from a friend who told me I needed to go to the RQ because they were talking about my blog. MY BLOG!!!!! I couldn't wait to get home and look. But, the posts were so bad I could not read more than a couple.

I did not post all those comments on this site. I don't spend all day on-line. I created this blog because my other blog was hacked by hackers - see my original post here. My guess is those same hackers are commenting here. Some are very nice. Otheres are just mean. Some I just don't understand.

I saw that Asian family yesterday and greeted them when they came in. They were much nicer than the day they lost their girl. I told them we are adopting from China. They said "THANK YOU". So they understand.


Anonymous said...

MB - there is something so UN-Christian about the way some of those people saw fit to TRASH you on RQ. It's You're blog and you should feel fit to share as you want. I know I am so grateful to have found your site. We have so much in common, except I'm not even DTC yet. But soon. Because my BMI is close to 40. Just have to exercise a lil more. LOL! Hubby should be good because he really got in shape this year and got his BMI to 37. So he's SAFELY within the comfort zone of what's acceptable over there. LOL - I read on RQ that Korea wants BMI under 30. LOL! Guess where we'll never adopt from?

Keep spreading the good word. Even if other people don't understand you, your doing a really good thing here.

In HIS Name.


Anonymous said...

Well.... I am actually adopting from China, miss mockingbird, and I have to say I found your blog because of the furer you caused on the RQ. I think your blog is pretty funny dude (you must be dude I think), and I enjoyed a good laugh. nice satire, and, for some of us, dead-on, except that i haven't yet encountered anyone with the complete lack of grammar skills you exhibit, but it does make it funnier. you need to wring your hands over the wait a bit more, btw.
most sincerely yours~
"a nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat" ;)

faith said...

Yes, how dare people suggest this blogg is a joke. I will be praying for these people, hopping they will soon SEE THE LIGHT!
Don't ever forget that HE loves you.

Blessings in huge doses today,

Anonymous said...

I don't work at the RQ but I do work at the DQ and everyone there loves to eat Buster Bars, Dilly Bars. Basically, anything with the word "bar" at the end of its name is heading into my GI tract.

Asked the RQ if she had a favorite DQ product and she told me I was a sinner and unfit to adopt a Mexican jumping bean much less a living, breathing baby. She then whined for 297 consecutive hours on her blog while her husband and kid rooted through trash bins for something to eat. And she calls ME a sinner!

Anonymous said...

You almost sound normal in this post, it is sad that you have NOTHING better to do with your time than parody Christians and Chinese adoption community. You have been banned from RQ, the way it should be YOU TROLL!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

wait. how can someone be a troll on their own blogg? wow that's just so confusing. I'm praying HE will show me how this could be so. I guess HE is so busy gathering them up from the East and sending them over to the West that He doesn't have time to help me answer these puzzling questions.

A friend of The LOrD
And a Friend Of MockingBirds,


Anonymous said...

Oh no! BANNED from the RQ?
How could you?
Honestly - you guys have your panties all in a huge wad. Get over youselves.
I'd rather laugh about all the judgmental asses out there, than cry about them. If you guys can't handle the humor, then don't look!
Go back to APC and your DTC groups and attack each other like you always do.

-an adoptive parent-

Sister Christian said...

All these anonymous people, it's making my head spin. While normally that would disturb me, it's actually a pleasant feeling right now.

Joy said...

Oh my. Oh my.
I feel the need to make an appointment with my physician. I'm having heart palpitations with all this meaness.

Thank goodness for bible study tonight.


Anonymous said...

You know what the Lord would say right now to all of those self-righteous know-it-alls on the Rumor Queen (is he gay, by the way?) site? "Judge, lest ye be judged." It's so easy for the Rumor Queen to sit upon his thrown and cast judgment upon others. That site is a cult. He's even making money off those poor mentally-starved people.. selling shirts and whatnot. I pray that the Lord intervenes and helps those poor people. Maybe that's why his site crashes all of the time. HE works in mysterious ways.

faith said...

Mockingbird, I have developed so much respect for your viewpoints and analitical, I'd like to ask you your opinion on something. Does this increasing wait for our adoption mean that God is punishing us? If not, how do you explain it? This problem is really bothering me. Does He think we did something wrong?

Jesus Is My Homeboy said...

Ok, I had to break down and post. I followed the thread from RQ, and after reading the posts here, realized how retarded and intellectually vacuous his/her (ha!) 'followers' really are. The fact that the RQ had to shut down a string of banter that went against the grain is absolutely Ludacris. If I never see another ladybug it will be too soon. JIMH